Let the Battle Begin

Biggest Update:

The expansion I wanted is here: You can now go nighthunting! Use either door (the top one after being unlocked) for an old school turn-based RPG battle.   There are a few combinations of enemies you can get so far.  LXC will tell you how many battles you've won after you've successfully finished the first one.

Smaller Updates:

I learned how to use Local Storage so the game will now save your progress.  If you want to do the item quest again, you can "Reset Game" on the door menu.

Also some other fixes & improvements, some of which were probably only for my own benefit.


Please let me know if you see bugs or have other feedback! I tried to make the battle mechanics balanced in a somewhat fair-but-not-overly-difficult sort of way.


index.zip Play in browser
Jul 04, 2022

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